165: GameStop Saga, CES ’21, China’s Quantum Network

Troubles on Wall Street with the amazing GameStop saga that somehow involves Reddit, the good and bad of CES ’21, more rumours on the Apple-Hyundai partnership, China building an unhackable quantum communication network, and Google kills another thing. As always we cover all angles using audio clips from different sources so you get everything you […]
137: CES 2020 – Robots and other Weird Stuff

Part 2 of our coverage of CES 2020 includes a holographic virtual yoga trainer, a chef bot that can make 35 different types of salad, a tennis ball that follows you around and bosses your other home appliances, and a bionic cat that adjusts its personality based on how you talk to it. You want […]
136: CES 2020 – TVs, Foldables, Future of Transport

The “nerd nirvana” that is CES is on again from Las Vegas and this is the first of a 2-part episode series to cover all the news and announcements from the world’s biggest tech expo. We will go through the latest in 8K TVs, new form factors of a range of digital products that bend […]
116: CES 2019 Special

Another CES has come and gone and yes, 2019 has officially begun. We cover everything from exoskeleton bionic suits, AR glasses that actually look decent on your head, toilets for dogs and a home brew machine that can make beer with a touch of a button. We also catch up with our favourite sentient robot, […]
97: CES 2018 Part 2: Samsung, LG and more

And our CES saga continues! Imagine a 146″ TV or a TV that rolls up or a wireless mouse with no battery?! These are all real and we”re covering them all in part 2 of our CES coverage where we look at LG, Samsung, Sony and others to see how they’re going to change your […]
96: CES 2018 part 1 – Intel, Byton

It’s our third year covering CES from afar and there is so much content, we decided to break it up into 2 episodes! Part 1 covers some of the underlying tech driving the current wave of innovation in autonomous vehicles, immersive media and IoT hardware. We start with an in depth look at Intel’s 2 […]
84: CES 2017 Special

Episode 84: “CES 2017” You know you’ve arrived in 2017 when you hear things like.. “LeEco are launching an Android-based bicycle”. This week on your favourite geek culture podcast, we break down all the big and not so big announcements coming out of CES in Las Vegas. The main themes we picked up on were Amazon’s Alexa being […]
45: CES 2016

It’s the first episode for the year, and it’s all about CES 2016 (formerly known as the Consumer Electronic Show), that was held over 4 days in Las Vegas during the week. We take a close look at some of the more interesting and innovative products that were showcased and also some that were […]
1: Game of drones
It’s our first REAL episode! We chat all things CES (Consumer Electronics Show) that just happened in Las Vegas, including the disappearance of Michael Bay and all the usual hits and misses.
Beta 0.3: Still looks fake
In our final beta episode before officially launching the podcast, we try out a fresh news segment, briefly preview CES and what our tech setup is going to be in the new year. We also ask the question “are we living in a simulation?”