72: Theme Thor

Don’t you hate it when you hail a Uber but the driver is nowhere to be found? Sounds far-fetched, doesn’t it? Well, Uber began trialling driverless cars in the city of Pittsburgh this week — That escalated fast! Google is also getting in on the action with its own ride-sharing service. It’s happening people! As we wait for […]
45: CES 2016

It’s the first episode for the year, and it’s all about CES 2016 (formerly known as the Consumer Electronic Show), that was held over 4 days in Las Vegas during the week. We take a close look at some of the more interesting and innovative products that were showcased and also some that were […]
20: T-Rex with Arms

Rejoice! Taylor Swift single-handedly saves music! What should we get her to do next.. international diplomacy? We also check in on what the new Twitter experience will be like and explain how a certain Tyrannosaurus Rex got its arms. On the news front, we look at Tidal losing their CEO, The Rock fighting a gorilla, Twitter’s […]
Beta 0.2: His name was James Wang
We have a new name! In this second beta episode, we chat about the highs and lows of the year that was and what we got our parents for Christmas. Also, soundboard music!
Beta 0.1: Is this thing on?
Our very first beta episode that only came about while testing out the new Blue Yeti microphones. There was no prep and no editing whatsoever.