133: Fave Tech Continued & Predictions Review for 2019
Continuing on from last week’s episode of our favourite tech for the year, we focus our attention to our hands and ear-holes. Tech truly surrounds us and penetrates us, if you know what I mean. As we approach Christmas, if you have a spare $500 for your mum, you may want to consider some of […]
132: Our Favourite Tech of 2019
As we wrap up another year in tech, we share some of our favourite things – which may or may not include a pantomime featuring the methods of authentication to your web accounts. Oh what fun. As always, we cover all angles using clips from different sources so you get everything you need to know, […]
114: 2018 Rewind and 2019 Predictions
We say goodbye to 2018 by recalling all the memes and themes for the year and greet 2019 by boldly predicting what lies ahead. As always, we cover all angles using clips from different sources so you get everything you need to know, right here on The Lazy Couch Podcast.