99: Musk, Microsoft, Telstra troubles

The Lazy Couch podcast is your fortnightly dose of tech news and discussion on all things internet culture. We don’t just report the news but also how the news is being propagated across the vast interwebs and ask the big question – why? This week, we cover the latest in Elon Musk’s dating habits, Microsoft’s […]

66: Gotta Catch ‘Em All

In episode 66, we mix in some local news while we cover the latest news covering robots, AI and social media. We look at how WeChat could have helped the Labor Party win votes in Melbourne. Telstra continues its run of bad PR with cuts to jobs. We discuss the use of robots to kill […]

49: Merc with a Mouth

Deadpool is back (this time with a mouth) and breaking all the box office records (not just the fourth wall!). And to celebrate the potential return of Cheez TV, we take a walk down memory lane and reminisce about our favourite childhood cartoon series. What were they? What are some of yours? In tech news, we take […]

13: Epicentre of Stability

Regrets. Leakage. Cows. And Chun-Li. It’s just another day in the office here at The Lazy Couch – as we cover the latest in tech news and the world of super-heroes. Hear Geoff’s thoughts on trying on the Apple Watch and binge watching Daredevil on Netflix. While Kelvin barely survived moving house during the week but still turned […]

Beta 0.3: Still looks fake

In our final beta episode before officially launching the podcast, we try out a fresh news segment, briefly preview CES and what our tech setup is going to be in the new year. We also ask the question “are we living in a simulation?”