106: Samsung Galaxy Note 9, Magic Leap One

Samsung’s Galaxy Note 9 is here and it’s blowing up the internet. Is the hype worth it? The world’s biggest tech unicorn has just released their first real device – the Magic Leap One. Just one condition, you have to be living in one of 6 specific cities in the US to get your hands […]
69: Spacebook

Facebook successfully launched their space drone that Zuckerberg hopes to eventually deliver free internet to every human being on Earth. These are some of the lofty ambitions Mark has to one day control every aspect of your life and the scary thing is – they’re not that far off now. While we wait for that however, […]
66: Gotta Catch ‘Em All

In episode 66, we mix in some local news while we cover the latest news covering robots, AI and social media. We look at how WeChat could have helped the Labor Party win votes in Melbourne. Telstra continues its run of bad PR with cuts to jobs. We discuss the use of robots to kill […]
58: Leap Magic Leap

Ever wonder what the next big leap in technology might be? A lot of smart people are banking on a small secretive startup in Florida called Magic Leap, and their almost too-good-to-be-true digital light field tech, that may eventually destroy whole industries. We chat about them and their very likeable CEO Rony Abovitz to see […]
52: Theatrical Physicist

Kelvin and Geoff go all out in this week’s monster news-filled episode. Subjects include old favourites – Apple, Google and Facebook – as well as the latest from Supercell, Meerkat and a new people-rating app, called Peeple. In movies, we talk about the possibility of the much mooted ‘Men In Black’ and ’21 Jump Street’ […]