26: Facebook Learns To Fly

We cover a range of subjects this week, including Nokia selling their awesome mapping service ‘Here’ to German carmakers, a gold plated ‘Cecil the lion’ inspired HTC phone and why bacon tastes oh so good. Facebook is literally taking off and Dave Grohl responds to the cries of a 1000 Italian musicians to come play […]
20: T-Rex with Arms

Rejoice! Taylor Swift single-handedly saves music! What should we get her to do next.. international diplomacy? We also check in on what the new Twitter experience will be like and explain how a certain Tyrannosaurus Rex got its arms. On the news front, we look at Tidal losing their CEO, The Rock fighting a gorilla, Twitter’s […]
11: Amen Fishbump
In this jam-packed episode, we cover Facebook’s F8 developers conference and Mark Zuckerberg’s vision of the future – It somehow involves Morpheus teaching us all about the fabric of reality itself. Salesforce and other tech giants are making a stand against pro-discrimination laws and pop artists are fighting for their right to make $millions$ off the […]
Beta 0.1: Is this thing on?
Our very first beta episode that only came about while testing out the new Blue Yeti microphones. There was no prep and no editing whatsoever.