103: Ant-Man And The Wasp Review
It’s been 3 years and 79 episodes (episode 24) since the last Ant-man movie and it’s back now with the Wasp! We give it the usual TLC treatment where we review it without spoiling it in the first half of the episode and then we tell you what we really think as we walk you […]
35: A Croaky Welcome
Dell buys EMC in the biggest tech acquisition of all time! While Foxtel, Medium and Uber announce new business models to get more of yo’ money. We break down Mark Zuckerberg’s vision of a scary future and warn you about Australia’s mandatory metadata collection that officially began during the week. There’s also coverage of the ‘Mad Max: […]
24: Ant-Man Special
In this week’s episode, Emily, our resident Joss Whedon expert, joins us to talk everything Buffy and all the wonderful series and characters found in the Whedon-verse. We also break down Marvel’s latest flick, Ant-Man and our new found respect for myrmecology.
13: Epicentre of Stability
Regrets. Leakage. Cows. And Chun-Li. It’s just another day in the office here at The Lazy Couch – as we cover the latest in tech news and the world of super-heroes. Hear Geoff’s thoughts on trying on the Apple Watch and binge watching Daredevil on Netflix. While Kelvin barely survived moving house during the week but still turned […]